Navigate Your Social Marketing during a Pandemic

This past week or so has been full of changes for everyone, especially small business owners. Updates on the pandemic are happening fast, causing confusion and uncertainty. First of all, we just want to say that we’re in this together! As your social media experts, we’re here to offer you guidance + support on how to navigate your social channels during this outbreak.

Social media is one of the best ways to directly connect with your audience. You’ve built an online community of loyal fans and customers. So before you think of not posting at all, remember that they will be expecting (and wanting) to hear from you.

The meaning of social media has become even more crucial. Digital communication will continue to increase during this global crisis. Now is the best time to stay current with your social channels and be there for your audience.

It’s important, even during this uncertain time, to remain consistent with posting while willing to stay flexible. Chances are you’ll have to modify planned posts or even pause upcoming campaigns to be respectful and sensitive. Every business owner will be handling this differently, so consult with your social media team to see how you can best adjust your current strategy.

With your social media team, you’ll want to determine what role your brand can play in all of this. How can your business provide value to your audience during these challenging times? Make sure your messaging isn’t tone-deaf or insensitively pushing promotions. Now is the time to remain calm, cool, and collected.

Here are a few ways to carefully navigate the crisis:

  • Adjust your social marketing strategy - stay flexible!

  • Update captions

  • Pull back on upcoming launches or campaigns

  • Provide value and support

  • Lead with empathy

Remember to keep social media social. Turn to your community to remind them they’re not alone. All humans crave connection. Social Media is a powerful tool that allows that connection to happen, even during social distancing.

If you have any questions on how to navigate your social during this time or are struggling with your marketing strategy please reach out. We’d love to help any way we can!


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