How to Stay Productive Working from Home

Working from home requires a lot of discipline. It’s easy to get distracted by the pile of laundry that needs to get done, the dirty dishes in the sink, and your dog who keeps bringing you his ball to play fetch.

Living the work from home life sounds dreamy but it can be challenging, especially for those who are more used to a traditional 9-5 desk job. If you’re transitioning from going into an office every day to working from your kitchen table, here are some tips to help you develop healthy habits in order to stay productive and keep yourself motivated.

Tip #1: Morning Routine
Find a morning routine that works best for you. This may take some experimenting, but once you figure out what your routine looks like everything else will fall into place. For example, each morning you may want to make sure you get in some sort of movement. Whether that be yoga, running, or a quick trip to the gym - be ready to get your sweat on! We like to incorporate a great cup of coffee and journaling into our daily routine. These tasks help you get ready for the day and flow into your workday with ease.

Tip #2: Make A List
Making a to-do list is an important step in working from home. Typically, we like to write out this list the night before so when morning comes we know exactly what we need to tackle for the day. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your to-do’s, look at your list and choose three big tasks you’d like to accomplish. This helps to break things up and keep you on track and motivated.

Tip #3: Lean Into Your Creative Flow
When do you feel the most creative? Working from home doesn’t mean you need to glue yourself to your seat for a full 8 hours. Give yourself some flexibility. Lean into your creative flow by listening to your body. Do you write the best content in the morning instead of the afternoons? Maybe you feel the most inspired after lunch. Recognize what you love to do and when you love to do it.

Tip #4: Take Breaks
This is important for any job. Remember to take breaks, move your body, even get outside for some fresh air. To make things easier plan your breaks ahead of time. Give your body and brain some rest.

By making sure you’ve mastered your morning routine, have a plan in place for the day, working when you feel most creative, and taking breaks you’ll get this working from home thing down in no time!


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